For Safe Technology
Who Are We?
We are advocating for Smart Planning & Zoning provisions that will enabling wireless phone & texting coverage for all Idahoans, while minimizing the number of cell towers and/or personal wireless service facilities.
We are advising Idaho communities to take action and limit RF Radiation to the greatest extent possible and use safe hardwired fiber optics for broadband internet connections rather than harmful wireless cellular connections. A hardwired fiber infrastructure will provide Idahoans with superior internet speed, safety and security.
Radiofrequency (RF) radiation from cell towers and Wifi is harmful to children, adults and the bees that pollinate our trees. Cell towers are being placed in our neighborhoods, next to our homes, schools, libraries, parks, farm land, and highways without taking health and environment into consideration.
Our Goals.
Promote local control over broadband infrastructure.
Protect Idaho citizens from harmful RF Radiation to the greatest extent possible and still have cell phone service to make calls and send texts.
Untie local governments hands so they can responsibility regulate cell tower placement and protect Idaho citizens.
Educate the public on pros and cons of radiofrequency radiation exposures.
Inform Idaho Municipalities of wireless risks and what they can do to legally protect local communities from cell tower placement,
Incourage Idaho Municipalities to adopt a wireless zoning ordinance similar to Dalton Gardens, ID.
Use Hard-Wired (DSL, Cable, & Fiber) for our community’s broadband data needs and use lower frequency wireless bands for calling and texting. Lower frequency 700 Mhz +/- travels further allowing cell towers to be placed further apart allowing for responsible tower placement .
Local governments “hands are not tied” when it comes to properly regulating Cell Towers in Idaho communities. The 1996 Telecommunications Act gives State and local governments the authority to regulate cell tower placement, construction, and modification as long as they do not prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting “Telecommunication services”. Telecommunication services is simply the ability to make a cell phone call or send a text message.
Broadband, capacity, or high speed internet for streaming Netflix and videos is defined as “Information Services”. Information Services are unregulated free from 1996 Telecommunications Act regulations.
Idaho communities are free to prohibit, regulate power, consider health and the environment when it comes to “Information services”. Your community has the freedom to choose what form of broadband high speed internet that is best for the community needs.
Many Cities and Counties across Idaho are choosing hardwire fiber and not wireless broadband that requires more cell towers.
We can have our cake and eat it too!
Properly implemented, this plan will reduce exposure to unnecessary RF radiation, reduce unsightly visual blight in our skylines, protect humans, trees and our bees, provide superior broadband service and safe access to use our cell phones.
A Map Of Cell Towers In & Around Boise
Is There A Cell Tower Near Your Home?
We’re In This Together
Donate today and join the fight to protect our environmental health.
Facts About 5G
5G “small” cell antennas are not “small.”
5G is NOT Faster
5G antennas will transmit radiation
Skyrocketing Energy Consumption
Insurance authorities classify
5G as “High Risk.”
The radiation from these small cell
antennas is not small.
On or about April 30th 2021 Verizon switched on a cell tower located at 2557 N. Sky View Ln., Eagle, ID.