Landmark EMR Lawsuit CHD vs FCC (case number 20-1025) And The Biological Effects Of RF Exposure.


“The present FCC thermal regulation, in addition to lacking any sound scientific foundation, as pointed out by Petitioners, is perpetrating a continuing, ever-expanding, and cruel injustice.” – Building Biology Institute


Children’s Health Defense vs Federal Communications Commission

with EHT (Environmental Health Trust)

In the early Spring of 2020, Dafna Tachover, attorney, contacted the Building Biology Institute inviting us to participate in a legal action being taken against the FCC by the Children’s Health Defense. The CHD was challenging the FCC’s obsolete and unrealistic “safety guidelines” regulating Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure (RFRE). The appeal is to force the FCC to update their guidelines which had not been changed since 1996. Dafna stated Building Biologists were the only professionals who dealt daily and directly with the impact of RFRE and knew close-up the reality of people falling ill from continuous exposure to low levels of radiation. She emphasized the institute would participate in the case not as a plaintiff but as an Amicus, “a friend of the court” who would educate the court on this subject of which it knew very little. The Amicus is an impartial advisor, aiding in the judge’s decision-making process.

The Institute, without pause, chose to participate. We felt we had a professional and moral obligation to further the cause of establishing safer standards on radio frequency radiation exposure, in educating important legal bodies, and helping humanity, and in this case particularly, children.

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