News & Info
Curious about developments that may affect you and your environment?
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Local News | Health Impacts | 5G | EMF | Wifi | Zoning
Fiber Optics not 5G
Fiber Optics not 5G – Safe High Speed Internet for the Treasure Valley! If the City of Ammon is doing it, we can too.
Call To Action - Protect Your Children And The Treasure Valley
Please Take 5 Minutes to Protect your Children and the Treasure Valley.
How Toxic Is Your Cell Phone? (2020 iPhone Radiation Lawsuit)
Occasionally, the media gets it right. Tucker Carlson on iPhone testing at 5x higher than legal radiation limits.
Wireless Ordinance for the Treasure Valley
How to most effectively regulate small (5G) and large (4G) cell facilities in accordance with local, state and federal laws.
FCC - A Captured Agency
The Harvard Edmund J. Safra Center for Ethics published an expose “Captured Agency” by investigative journalist Norm Alster…
Is EMF From Bluetooth Bad For You?
If you’re trying to reduce your EMF exposure, don’t forget about your devices that use Bluetooth. It’s no different than any other electronic that communicates wirelessly.
Lawsuit Alleges School Wi-Fi Harmed Child with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
A lawsuit has been filed against the Fay School in Massachusetts on behalf of a 12-year-old boy
Most children sleep with The cell phone beside bed - Why This is Bad
Why you should be aware of the dangers of sleeping with your cell phone in bed.